I have a little secret that must stay between you, my precious and
loyal readers, and me. I have to woo you all, because it’s been a while since I
blogged. I must tender my unreserved apology. This won’t repeat itself. I owe
someone very dear a meal plan, and I have other debt to my amazing readers who
enjoy my posts and implement my advice. I will pay my debt and be more present.
Please forgive meJ.
So, my little secret is that I was eavesdropping. I know; it’s
terrible. But I was right around the corner when I heard my name being
mentioned in the conversation, and I just couldn’t help but listen intently
before I made my way to the other room. I heard two women (I won’t say where as
it might give me away ha-ha) conversing about belly fat. A was seeking ways to
reduce her belly fat with keeping the other parts of her anatomy intact. B
informed A that to get a stomach like yours truly, (I’m blushing, but I’m
thankful I can be used as a reference point) she should drink detox tea and
within a few months, her belly would magically disappear! Wow. If only it were
that easy.
Sadly, such questionable ideas are pretty common. Along with spot
weight loss, there are myths about general weight loss that are not only
ineffective, but are harmful to your mind and body. I want to address some fads
in this post and please leave a comment if you’d like me to discuss more fads
that I haven’t covered.
Detox Tea Will Lose Your Belly Fat
No, detox tea will not help you burn belly fat. Here’s what detox
tea will do: it will help you go to the loo lots and eject lots of water from
your system. It won’t burn fat and whatever weight you lose will be water
weight. However, you can use detox tea if you’re trying to look a bit more
slender in a bikini or a fitted dress. But make no mistake; you haven’t
achieved fat burning or a calorie deficit, which are the integral catalysts of
healthy and sustainable weight loss.
Green Tea Consumption Will Burn All the Food You’ve Consumed
I’ve had many instances where people around me eat their delicious
semo and juicy, oily efo riro (or whatever grease infested accompaniment), then
drink GT after that with the expectation that GT will automatically burn all
the food consumed. This couldn’t be farther from the truth. Whilst GT will aid
digestion, it won’t negate the 1,000 calorie meal you’ve had. I do encourage
tea consumption because tea really does aid digestion, but not in lieu of a
calorie-controlled healthy meal.
Exercise at Night Will Burn all the Calories Consumed that Day
I’ve heard quite a few people make this argument. I actually think I
need to conduct more research and write an entire post on this. I’m not sure if
there’s an exact science for exercise times and calories burnt, but I’m pretty
sure you don’t burn all the calories consumed that day because you’ve exercised
in the evening. The most you can do is perhaps try to burn 2,000 calories at
the gym in the evening – which is also what you can equally do in the morning
(very ambitious feat, I must say). Since food isn’t physically extracted from
our bodies during exercise, it is a fallacy to think you’re negating all the
calories consumed that day with your workout.
Drinking lemon water/apple cider vinegar (ACV) for Weight Loss
Drinking lemon water may have its benefits, but there certainly is
not any direct correlation with drinking lemon water /ACV and shedding some
pounds! By all means, drink lemon water because it is loaded with benefits, but
don’t be disappointed if that singular lifestyle choice does not yield weight
loss benefits.
Are there any weight loss ideas you’re not sure about? Drop a
comment and we’ll explore them some!
Till next time,