29 March 2014

The Weekender: 5 Simple Ways to Avoid Extra Calories this Weekend

Photo credit: livelifeactive.com

My guess is that you probably have a wedding to attend this weekend. Alright if it isn’t a wedding, then perhaps a naming ceremony or a birthday party—or better still, just a weekend at home where you want to be a couch potato and not worry about what you’re eating. And indeed, it is well deserved (if you’ve been good with your portions this week). Here are some things to consider before “turn-up” begins and your TGIF is encumbered with unnecessary consumption:

1.    Calculate your risk:
Just because you’ve decided to indulge doesn’t mean you cannot calculate and control your indulgence. If you’re planning on having a cheesecake, input those calories in your diet and cut down on, say, the carbohydrates in your lunch. You’ll find that the satisfaction from your cheesecake will outweigh the portion of yam pottage or pounded yam that you halved.
2.     Enjoy your indulgence:
I usually enjoy my indulgence with my own mini party. Invite a friend to have it with you, or eat it whilst watching your favourite show or pairing it with a fantastic cuppa. Don’t beat yourself up for indulging. Trust me, if you don’t indulge, you’ll feel deprived. And deprivation is unsustainable. Your lifestyle must be sustainable so that it doesn’t end up being a “phase”. Phases end, but lifestyles are for a lifetime.
3.     Eat a healthy (but filling) meal before setting out:
a.     Instead of an akara/fried yam/pancake/bread breakfast, why not have a whole leaf of moin moin with ogi (pap, akamu, kunnu) or even oatmeal? This meal is much lower in calories and will keep you full for a long time. With the accompaniment, watch the sugar and milk. Again, measuring is key! I submit that you can thoroughly enjoy your ogi (and its variations as mentioned above) with 1 (level) teaspoon of sugar and 1 (level) tablespoon of powdered milk or 2 tablespoons of evaporated milk. I really don’t encourage powdered milk because it’s been processed quite a bit and is packed with saturated fat but I know that lots of people enjoy it and won’t compromise. OR, why not try banana pancakes? Yum Yum.
4.    Steer clear of what looks the “whitest”.
It’s a party, so you will probably overdo the calories. But there doesn’t need to be collateral damage. You can enjoy vegetable (efo), moin moin, fish, pepper soup and similar foods to your satisfaction. However, significantly reduce portions of foods such as puff puff, pounded yam, cake, semovita, rice and egusi (list not exhaustive). Even the former set of foods will need portion control, but stricter control is required for the latter.
5.    Share the calories
That’s what friends are for! Sharing your dessert with friends often does the trick when you’re trying to be prudent with your calories. Again, the same satisfaction you get from having one full cup of ice cream is sometimes the same satisfaction you attain from half a cup. And when fod is shared, you tend to eat more because you’re enjoying the foo’company (yes, I just made that word up. :D).

Have a lovely weekend guys!

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